About the site

This site is a place for me to create and share lighter-weight web development controls and techniques with those who are newer to the practice. If you have ideas about things you want to see demonstrated here, or if you have critiques, please let me know! This is a passion project so my responsiveness may vary, but I'll do my best.

What's New?

I added a Veil gizmo.

Earlier Updates

I upgraded my tutorial format!

I added a code template for custom HTML elements!

I made a web component that turns a checkbox into a switch.

I made a tutorial on tapping into property setters on native HTML elements for progressive enhancement!

I made a web component to create a tablist out of a fieldset of buttons.

I made a web component to allow <textareas> to use tab-based indentation editing.

I made my first browser extension!

I made a CheckListbox control, a web component to turn a fieldset of checkboxes into a listbox!

I made a bookmarklets page!

I added a basic fade-in transition to the gallery component!

I added a site search component!

I changed the image gallery a bit so that it no longer uses the shadow DOM.

I made a minesweeper clone!

I made a chess page!

Updated the date/time tool to do more!

Enhanced the soft-dismiss functionality of the tooltips control and optimized the site search.

Updated the guestbook to better handle quotation marks, support markdown links, and line breaks!

I wrote a tutorial on the Tabs Pattern using no JS!

Made a tool to interact with JavaScript Date objects. Also added a search function!

Added better reflow options for the gallery, allowed the submenu control to point to <details> elements, and updated some site-wide styling.

Added the Tooltips control!

Added the Toaster control!

Added the Shortcuts control!

Removed the need for a separate css file for icons.
Added the FileLib gizmo!

Added a fallback email link to the guestbook control.

I added some features to the guestbook control :)

Listed some new users and made the demo pages all call out relevant files with <mark>.

I've just completed the CSS Palette builder!

I made this tracker - nothing before this is recorded, sorry.

About me

Hi! Call me Vera. I'm a professional software developer specialising in web front-end with a BS in Computer Science and about seven years of experience in industry.

I'm passionate about web accessibility and am working to develop that skill. I also enjoy mentoring newer developers and aspire to be a teacher someday.

Accessibility Statement

This site, and all of its content, aims to conform to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)'s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) version 2.2 to level AA. I test using NVDA and JAWS with Firefox and Chrome, TalkBack on Android, and the Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool (WAVE) from WebAIM.

If you have any feedback about the accessibility of this site, I am eager to hear from you.